Services for social integration

Committed to equality

We work with each individual’s social, cultural and educational reality, in order to achieve a more equal society.


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  • To foster people’s integration.
  • To boost a person’s capacities and skills with a psychosocial intervention approach.
  • To contribute to improving the personal and social and family situation.
  • To provide new opportunities.
  • To identify risk factors for preventing situations where there is a failure to protect or abandonment of the individual.
  • To provide support and guidance in times of change.


  1. Centers and services for youth intervention.
  2. Family intervention programs.
  3. Family meeting points.
  4. Women’s support services.
  5. Refuges and centers for female victims of domestic violence.
  6. Intervention programs for child victims of domestic violence.
  7. Equality plans and services.
  8. Adoption evaluation and training services.
  9. Post-adoption monitoring and intervention services.
  10. Socio-occupational integration.
  11. Intercultural mediation.
  12. Hosting, integration and intervention programs for immigrants and ethnic minorities.
  13. Services for homeless and/or itinerant individuals.
  14. Community intervention.



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