Telecare service

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Telecare services provide 24-hour assistance so individuals can remain in their own homes, adapting the service to their needs. We provide safety, company and peace of mind.




  • To provide peace of mind.
  • To ensure trust and confidence through assistance from specialist professionals.
  • To respond and attend to the needs of each individual.
  • To provide an immediate response to a healthcare and/or social emergency by mobilizing resources.
  • To have access to a personalized schedule with reminders.


  1. Basic telecare (for land or cellphone lines).
  2. Follow-up calls.
  3. Support in situations of loneliness, grief, crisis, post-operation, emergencies, etc.
  4. Personalized schedule (medical appointments, medication taking, etc.).
  5. Advanced telecare that monitors and prevents high-risk situations.



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